8:40 AM ---
Here is the info how you can get free ebooks or products using java script;
I have used this method quite often.
1. Open your browser, I assume you will be using Firefox, now click
on your bookmarks tab then click Organize Bookmarks, a new
window called Bookmark Manager pops up.
2. Now on the Bookmark Manager window create a new bookmark
by clicking New Bookmark Tab. Type Decode Java for the
name, and for the Location copy and paste the code below.
jh=document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].innerHTML;function disp(h){h=h.replace(/</g, '\n&lt;');h=h.replace(/>/g,'&gt;');document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].innerHTML='<pre>&lt;html&gt;'+h.replace(/(\n|\r)+/g,'\n')+'&lt;/html&gt;</pre>';}void(disp(h));
Then click OK.
3. Using the Search Engines (Google brings back a lot of results)
search for the keywords below. (include quotes)
“this order button requires a javascript enabled browser"
This will return many websites that have those PayPal Buy Now
Also if you Add "Instant Download " to “this order button requires a javascript enabled browser"
You find some things this works well with without those pesky.'we will email you with" or " Provide email you used" etc.. Thanks Pages.
Now here is an example on how to get the product.
I will use http://adsensetracker.info/ as a test site
and get their product for free.
Then Click Find Next button. in this case, the download link is:
click on the link for fast download.


the URL beside "return" value=" is the Product.



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